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Fullstack Developer

Passionate by drawing and play Videogames

technological devices

Hello everyone, my name is
Danilo Cortes

I am technologist in analysis and development of systems information, I have knowledge in web development with Java, Spring Boot and Node.JS, Express.JS, I have used databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Actually I am studying Software Engineering at Compensar University and English at American School Way.

Backend Developer

I enjoy to program and discover how is built software in general and webapps.

Languages that I speak:

  • Java

  • JavaScript

  • Nodejs

  • Express JS

  • HTML

  • CSS

Dev Tools:

  • IntelliJ IDEA Icon
    Intelli j

  • Spring Boot

  • Visual Studio Code

  • Boostrap


I usually learn and explore tools and new features to help me to develop the best ways and faster than before.

Dev Tools:

  • Git

  • GitHub

  • GitKraken


  • MySQL

  • Postgres

Recent Projects

Projects that I have been working on

Google Clone

Menu Resturant

menu restauran with differents types of pasta


menu restauran with differents types of pasta